Société de l'Oriflamme

The Oriflamme (meaning 'gold flame') was the sacred banner of the Abbey of St. Denis. It reportedly accompanied the French kings in their major battles, beginning with Louis VI's 1121 campaign against the emperor Henry V. It is believed that the banner's last appearance was at the disastrous battle of Maupertuis [near Poitiers] (1356), where the bearer was killed and the flag disappeared. However, some reports suggest a few later appearances. It is sometimes confused with the French king's royal standard (gold fleur-de-lis on blue), which the Oriflamme often accompanied in major campaigns.
One of many accounts, described the Oriflamme as a crimson silk vexillum with three tails, green fringe, and tassels.
More information is at In Search of the Oriflamme.

The Société de l'Oriflamme sponsors the development of web pages and publications that examine European medieval warfare with a broader perspective than that generally found in English language sources. This page is a gateway to specific topics, and all pages are continuously updated as research progresses. Only underlined links are active.

Comments and questions are welcomed and can be sent to:
Société de l'Oriflamme
PO Box 137, Mount Vernon, VA 22121.
Page create in 1996, last updated `12 February 2005.

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